Social and Cognitive Disorder Research Study Opportunity

The Doan Laboratory at Boston Children’s Hospital is looking for genes involved in brain development. Conditions that we study include attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), dyslexia, and bipolar disorder. Families are invited to ask about participation in our study searching for the genes that lead to these conditions and related disorders. We hope that by finding these genes, we will better understand abnormal brain function and be able to help people with these conditions through improved diagnoses.

Participation in our research involves providing a DNA sample, usually by giving a small amount of blood and/or saliva, as well as sharing information about medical and family history. We request DNA samples from affected individuals as well as their parents and healthy siblings, when possible. Discussing and signing a research consent form is required before enrollment.

General results of our study are made available through scientific publications when the study is complete. Since research can be a lengthy process, it may be a very long time before there are any results. It is also possible that we will be unable to identify the gene(s) causing some conditions and in these cases no results will be available. Participants will not be given the results of their individual testing. However, if there are research findings that may be of possible medical benefit, we can contact the referring doctor, with the family’s permission, to discuss the genetic information. Follow-up counseling and another blood draw for testing in a clinical laboratory may be suggested, though this may not be available free of charge.

If you are interested in participating in one of our studies or would like more information, please fill out the information below so that we may reach out to you. Or, email us at